House of Health
Acupuncture is a holistic healing practice that has been used for centuries in Traditional Oriental Medicine, and its benefits have been increasingly recognised in modern healthcare. It is renowned for its effectiveness in reducing various types of pain; promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels; improving sleep; enhancing immune function; aiding digestive health, promoting fertility; managing mental health and for having minimal side effects which make it a safe option for a wide range of conditions. All Acupuncture treatments are tailored to each individual, addressing their unique health concerns and needs to enhance overall health and wellbeing and achieve balance of mind and body. Single use, high quality, sterile needles are used.
This compliments Acupuncture in promoting health and wellbeing. It involves the burning of a dried herb known as mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris) near specific Acupuncture points on the body, transmitting heat deep into the body. This comforting warm feeling can reduce pain and muscle soreness; stimulate blood flow and circulation; support immunity; invigorate the digestive system; calm the mind reducing stress and anxiety and in obstetrics it can be used to encourage a breech baby to turn. Moxibustion is a safe and non-invasive therapy that is customized to aid individuals specific health concerns.
This uses a specialized device that combines the principles of Acupuncture with the controlled application of a mild, low frequency electrical current either along the needle or through TENS pads placed on the skin. This can increase the therapeutic effect of Acupuncture and is particularly useful in chronic pain management, stimulating the natural release of endorphins; aiding neurological disorders and regulating the nervous system alleviating stress, anxiety and insomnia and speeding up muscle recovery and rehabilitation.
Glass or plastic cups are placed on the skin to create a suction that has strong therapeutic effects particularly on pain and muscle soreness and tension. Cupping also improves blood flow and circulation; reduces stress, promotes relaxation and can be used to draw out toxins from deep within the body thus making it highly beneficial for respiratory issues and long standing muscle injury.
Stress can take a toll on health and wellbeing and developing a positive growth orientated healthy mindset plays a crucial role in overall health and healing. It is most powerful when body, mind and spirit are aligned and working as a team for optimum health. Neuro Linguistic Programming promotes positive self talk and addresses and overcomes limiting self beliefs.
Energy based hands on healing practice that balances and restores the energy centres of the body. It is a very calming and relaxing treatment that can be used to enhance and compliment other treatments or as a gentle whole body treatment itself.
Facial Acupuncture and Gua Sha facial massage are traditional practices rooted in Chinese medicine, aiming to enhance skin health and overall well-being. Facial Acupuncture involves the insertion of small, very thin needles into specific points on the face, stimulating collagen production and improving blood circulation. This helps to reduce fine lines, promote a youthful complexion, and balance the body's energy flow. Gua Sha facial massage utilizes a smooth-edged tool to gently scrape the skin, promoting lymphatic drainage and reducing inflammation. This ancient technique helps to release tension, sculpt the face, and enhance circulation, providing a natural, non-invasive facelift effect. Treatments are 75 minutes and these approaches offer a holistic perspective on skincare, blending ancient wisdom with modern wellness trends and are suitable for both men and women.
Please contact Debra if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Please feel free to contact House of Health to discuss your health issues prior to treatment. The first appointment includes a full consultation and treatment.
6 weekly treatments are recommended for most imbalances.
For Fertility Acupuncture it is recommended that treatment begins 3 months before an assisted fertility cycle.
For natural conceptions 6 weekly treatments are recommended then 2 treatments during each 4 week cycle.
Acupuncture needles are fine, similar to a strand of hair and insertion is generally painless.
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